This is my attempt to keep a record of what and how I grow my veg. Successes and failures all included. Along with the odd rugby or Shinty story thrown in. Also a few pictures of my poultry antics.
The Plot

Sunday, 15 April 2012
More cold weather
Well we've had frost and hail showers this week which has checked my onions from sets and shallots, today I got some of my show tatties in my NVS Sherine and The Bishop. Hopefully I'll get more in during the coming week. This year I've gone for a ready mix from Iain Barbour at JBA instead of shredding my own peat and adding fertiliser. I did however add a little nutrimate to see if that helps me get more even sized tubers. I also reduced the shoots to three per seed potato, this is a first for me as well. Its now a matter of making sure I get the watering right as I made a few mistakes last year. I'm hoping to be able to take two dishes to the Scottish branch show at Kelso on the 26th August but there is a lot of growing to be done between now and then. I've also potted on my second sowing of Celery, here's hoping I don't have the same problems as I had with my first batch, where I lost three quarters of the plants. a number of growers on the NVS forum thought my problem sounded like damping off, however having spoken with a former National winner we have concluded I might have been a little rough with them at pricking out stage and spraying with SB invigorator probably was not a good idea. The 8 plants I've got from my first batch are growing on strongly and I've got clips on them. I'll get some photos up tomorrow night when I find my camera lead.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Success or Failure, Free or purchashed
Well folks its been an interesting time since I last posted, no more so than my in ability to actually use Blogger. During the last week or so I have been fortunate enough to acquire 16 3ft x 2ft and 14 2ft x 2ft paving slabs for the bases of my two 2nd hand greenhouses. I duly loaded said slabs on to my trailer and towed them the 55 miles home only to be informed that the probably weigh about a ton and a half.My poor wee car!!. My first sowing of celery which was 28/1/12 succumbed to damping off and I have only 9 plants left. I will get a post of them tomorrow. Due to family commitments I was away from home most of this week which has left me with a huge amount of work over the coming seven days. Fortunately my watering system worked and no real damage has been done, except my carrots are now at least 10 days late.
I also picked up 30x 3 ltr pots 70 x7 cm square pots and 5x4 ltrs pot at my local recycling point "Moray Waste Busters" for the Princely sum of £2.50.
Above are my onions for the 250 gms class. Currently in 9 cm pots but will be getting potted up to 1 ltr pots shortly. I have two varieties centro and globo. This is my first attempt at growing for the 250 gms class so lets keep our fingers crossed. I'm happy with them so far.
This is my Kelsea onions which I hope to get ready for the 1 to 1.5 kg class or as big as I can get them. I will be potting these onions on this coming week into 3 ltr pots.
This is what my Parsnip bad looked like on Tuesday morning. There was 5 inch of snow. I really need a poly tunnel!!
This was my Shallot and red onions on the same Tuesday. I am now not sure of how they will turn out.
This is my Pendel Improved leeks. I will be potting them on this week. I have never grown these leeks before and they are in my eyes "looking good" I do realise there will be a number of more experienced growers with stronger leeks but I am only aiming for local or county shows. They are currently averaging about 3 inch in diameter and between 42 and 45 inch from base to flag leaf tip, with a blanch to button of about 9.5 inches.
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