The weather has been pretty poor this week but the veg are growing despite that.
I have 18 inch collars on the celery. As I've said before this is my attempt at growing celery for showing and I've opted for foil insulation as a collar. pluses are it keeps the plants cool in the heat (what heat) and warm in the colder weather (every day) These plants I hope will be ready for the Black Isle show on the 2nd August. fingers crossed.
This is my onions from set, The ones in the fore ground are Hercules and unfortunately they took a fierce beating from the weather recently and I'm struggling to get any quality for showing.
The peas are now starting to flower and all I need is some sun and plenty bees and we will be in business. I'm hoping that they will be ready for 11th August but might be pushing it.
The Leeks have put a spurt on in the last week or so, particularly since I took all the split leaves off. You can see from the picture above that the button is well up now and about 15 inches. The collars are 17 inch and I might lengthen them yet. The leek is about 6 inch in girth so I need them to stop going up and start going out.
This is my first attempt at the 250 gram class. the onion above is Globo sown in the middle of February. It is about 8 inches just now and I have put a shinty ball next to it to give you an Idea of scale. (shinty ball is about same size as a tennis ball)
Finally my "large" onions! The one in the picture is 14 inch (shinty ball along side) and I have another 3 about 13 inch so hopefully I can get a set from them.