Well today has been a great day for me. As I said earlier Dufftown is a two day show and I benched on Friday night. looking at what was already there I thought I'd be lucky to make any impact. Well how wrong I was. 12 firsts 2 seconds and a third. Most firsts in section plus best plate of potatoes and cup for matched white and coloured plates of potatoes shown on a tray.
If that was not enough I was introduced to a lot of fine growers in the Banff and Aberdeenshire area, with offers of coming to see there growing set up and the fellow who won the collection class and the leek class gave me one to put down for pips next year.
I was even introduced as ("up & coming") Although I'm no spring chicken these growers all had time for a chat it was great.
Sorry not pictures as they are floating about in space just need to get them.