We have had a fairly cold week and the ground is frozen again, so not a lot done on the plot. Saturday we had snow and I was playing rugby in the North Regional Bowl which we were lucky enough to win. That along with Scotland winning against Ireland has made it a pretty good weekend. Anyway to garden matters.
As you can see my celery is at a stage where I will prick it out and pot up in 3 inch pots. Probably do that tomorrow night.
This is my exhibition onions that I got from Niall Currie from Rothesay. I got these plants on the 2nd of January and they have not looked back since I got them. The most of the plants have 5 or 6 main leaves and are about 20 inches tall. I'm really pleased with them.
I have also put 9 inch collars on my most forward leeks (HV) also 9 inch collars on the leeks from Alistair Grey. My HV leeks are growing on strongly and have nice broad leaves on them so as soon as my 2 ltr pot arrive I'll get them into them. I gave all my leeks and onions a drench of epsom salts to day this helps with the up take of nutrients and keep the foliage a good dark green colour. (or so i've been told)