This year I'm trying for the first time to grow Blanched Leeks for exhibition. I was very fortunate to be given plants by two NVS members Helen & Paul and my thanks to them. The plants are now 40 inches from base to tip of flag leaf. I have the collars at 12 inches this has left some space below the collar but I have been told that this will not harm the leeks, although I know some growers frown on this practice. I however intend to make my next collars from Damp Proof Course this coming weekend and this will solve the space issue. I have also taken a photo of a leek with the collar raised so that you can see the comparision with the barrel and a pen.
I did also mention that I have a few hens so here is a picture of them. As you can see in the back ground they are making a fairly good job of taking the moss out of the front garden. I move their run every three or four days just now & let them out arounf 3.30 every day.