Hi folks I know its been a while since I last posted. I've been really busy at work but I've managed to start away some leeks from a Leek I put down to seed from Bert Marshall at Dufftown. This strain of Leeks have been in Bert's hands for at least 10 years and more likely 15 years. The original leeks came from A Grey so I would expect them to be "Welsh seedlings". Anyway I managed to plant up 80 seedlings at the beginning of November and have thinned them down to 15. As you can see from below they are about 14 inches tall and 2.5 inch to the button. These plants are getting 9 hrs of light per day and the grow cabinet is not going below 12 degrees C at night. I'm also giving them a weekly spray with SB plant invigorator to help keep any "nasties" at bay. I'm planning to pot up to 13cm pots in the next week.
Below is some Shallots that I started away on the 14th of December. The yellow labels are what is left of my Hative De Niort shallots from 2013. I had a real disaster and only 6 survived. Niall Currie came to my rescue and has sent me some up with Dave Mercer which I picked up today. (Still to plant) The red lables are my own Red Sun saved shallots for local shows.
Well thats all just now I hope to keep everybody up to speed this year with my attemps to obtain a "Red" ticket at the NVS Scottish Branch show.