The Plot

The Plot

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

North of Scotland DA (National Veg Society)

Not a lot happening with my plot at the moment.  Leeks are still ticking over and are starting to grow on after repotting them.  They are now on 10 hrs of light per day.  This is probably a lot less than some growers but I had a really problem last year with all my leeks running to seed so I've decided to take things a bit slower this year.  I will be on leave over the last week in January and I hope to constuct new beds and sort out my growing mixes then.

On Sunday we had the first comittee meeting of the newly formed North of Scotland District Association of the NVS Scottish Branch. All committee members were present with the exception of one who is unfortunatly is unwell just now.  We set our sylabus for the coming year with proposed meeting dates and hopefully a away day in July.

With this in mind our first open meeting will be at the Chieftain Hotel Inverness on the 30th of January at 19.00.  There will be a slide show presented by J MacKay showing some of the main shows in our area plus pictures from the 2013 Scottish Branch championships. This will be supplemented with a panel night in the form of a Q & A.

This is open to all interested parties, there is no requirement to be a NVS member so please feel free to come along and enjoy the night.    


  1. Hi John, We might pop along if thats ok? We would be happy to support any veg growing up here. Cheers Henry

  2. Henry. Please do come along. The more the merrier. We are keen to get as many growers as possible involved. We also want it to be a cross section of growers, not just people who grow to show.

  3. Goodluckwith the new DA mate

    1. Thanks a lot. We had about 24 folk at our inaugural meeting, and 3 new NVS members joined after the meeting so hopefully we will get a good turn out on Thursday and keep things moving on.
